If you've ever felt
that you're stuck in a rut or life has got you down, rest assured you're not
alone. At these times it can be difficult to find the motivation or inspiration
to do anything, but doing nothing results in nothing changing and this low and
uninspired state continues. It can be all too easy to externalise the cause and
'blame' life events for our mood, but we are responsible for, and in control of
our emotional state. Yes, really.
I've often heard
people say that they've lost their 'mojo' but what they have lost (or mislaid)
is their passion, energy, motivation - their 'joie de vivre'. Maybe you've
experienced this too. A seeming run of bad luck, poor health or disappointment
can lead to us feeling flat, bored, discouraged or low, but by changing our
perspective, our mood will change too. Resist blaming life events or other
people for how you feel and avoid re-living or telling tales of your
disappointments or perceived failures as this only serves to reinforce a
negative mood.
So how can we
recover our positivity if we find ourselves in a slump? Well, we could do
something that will give us pleasure. Not by eating a bar of chocolate or
necking a bottle of gin, but by taking some quality time for ourselves. This
could be going for a walk in the park and feeding the ducks, by taking a
leisurely bath or by putting your feet up and reading a good book. Doing
something creative like baking, sewing or woodwork can be absorbing and
distract us from unhelpful thoughts and there's nothing like exercise to lift
the mood and get those endorphins flowing.
Remembering a time
when we had some 'get up & go' or felt we were at the top of our game is a
swift and effective way to recover those good feelings. Try it now... Close
your eyes for a moment and take yourself back to a time when you were feeling
really great. See what you saw, hear what you heard and feel what you felt at
that time. Experience it as if you're there now. Stay in that moment and enjoy
those feelings. Notice how your whole mood and sense of wellbeing can change in
just a few moments. Why not decide now to take charge of your state, think
yourself into the mood that you want and reconnect with your mojo!
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