New Year, same old resolutions?

Well, it's that time again...time to resolve to start, stop or get over something... or someone! But the word 'resolve' suggests some commitment or determination... Do you genuinely believe that you will succeed in your resolution or do you  know deep down that this year will be like other years and you will fail to keep to your new way?

So what will increase your chances of success? Firstly, you need to ask yourself if you really do want the change. If you've pledged to quit smoking or stop drinking, you could be one of many who only half wants to break the habit, which despite being potentially harmful to your health, may be used as an aid to relaxation.

Secondly, if there are many changes that you want to make in your life, choose just one thing. By deciding for instance to lose weight, stop smoking and give up gambling, you are pretty much destined to fail on all three fronts. By choosing to change just one thing, you are far more likely to succeed.

Thirdly, focus on the benefits of your new pattern or behaviour. Visualise how great it will be when you're physically fit,  have lovely long nails or have completed your first novel. Imagine how good it will be... what will you see, hear, feel, experience when you have made the change.

And lastly... if you have a sneaky fag at a stag do, or eat a chunk of cake at a wedding, or bite your nails down through exam nerves, or just get home from work and pour a glass of wine, don't beat yourself up or give up until next week or next new year. Put the 'blip' behind you and carry on.

Good luck!

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