Presentation Fears

Fear of public speaking is often cited as the most common fear that individuals experience. The fact that this phobia is statistically very common does little to reduce the anxiety of the person who is suffering. For the man or woman who is afraid of speaking or presenting, the fear is pretty much all-consuming. The prospect of a forthcoming pitch, meeting or presentation is enough to cause sleepless nights, headaches, stomach upsets and panic attacks.

Clients of mine have described very sophisticated strategies they have adopted for deflecting attention from themselves; sometimes by inviting feedback from the group or possibly by deferring to others. Through these strategies, they ‘manage’ difficult and uncomfortable situations. The mastery with which this is done means that very often their colleagues or audience are unaware of their discomfiture.

Skill at deferring or deflecting attention however does not stop the anxiety experienced beforehand. Weeks before a meeting, people afraid of presenting or pubic speaking often report suffering insomnia and stress prior to a meeting, presentation or event. Fear of presenting has nothing to do with an individual’s ability, knowledge or experience. Those who worry about this element of their work will often be well prepared and well versed in their subject; how they feel is not related to their skill or expertise.

The way in which social anxiety or fear of public speaking manifests itself in people, varies from person to person. Physical symptoms include shaking, sweating, blushing, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, upset stomach and muscular tension. Confusion, stuttering, shaky voice, or light-headedness are common signs of nerves too, although they may be more apparent to the sufferer, than to others. Most worry about the embarrassment they’ll experience if they forget what they’re saying, or have a fear of looking stupid, or being discovered as an ‘imposter’.

Hypnosis and NLP can be very helpful for those who struggle with this issue and I have found that good results can be achieved in a fairly short space of time. Everyone is different of course, so if you find presenting, public speaking or social situations challenging, get in touch. In addition to using guided hypnosis with my clients, I can teach them self hypnosis techniques that they can use any time they need to. I also help clients to set up NLP 'anchors' that can help them to feel calm, composed and confident in stressful situations. Many invest in one of my self-hypnosis recordings to use at home too.
